Note: some of the commands listed here differ slightly from those seen in the video. Although they should do exactly the same thing, please use the ones listed here. 1. Install Python 3.11 through the Microsoft Store 2. Install Visual Studio Code (VSCode) through the Microsoft Store 3. Launch VSCode 4. Create a new folder anywhere you want 5. From within VSCode, create a file called (or any other name you like, as long as it ends in .py), and type in that empty file: print("Hello world!") Then run the file (play button). VSCode will prompt you to install the Python extension; agree to this. NOTE: If you have never previously installed Python, VSCode should automatically detect the Python 3.11 you just installed. However, if you do have an old version, it may automatically detect that. To check the right one is being used, press Ctrl + Shift + P and search for "Python: Select interpreter" in the search bar that comes up. This lets you choose which version of Python VSCode uses. 6. Running the file opens a Terminal window within VSCode. Into this window, type/copy and paste: python3.11 -m pip install solcore rayflare seaborn 7. Python, Solcore and Rayflare are installed! To check everything is working, you can add the following code to your file and run it again: from solcore import solar_cell_solver from rayflare.transfer_matrix_method import tmm_structure print("Success!") If this prints the "Success!" to your terminal, things are installed. Note: you will get a warning message which says "WARNING: The RCWA solver will not be available because an S4 installation has not been found." - this is fine, do not worry about it. 8. We will also be using Jupyter notebooks during the workshop (these are files which let you combine Python code blocks, normal text, images etc.). First, type into the terminal: python3.11 -m pip install jupyter 9. To make sure VSCode installs the required extensions, make a new file called hello_world.ipynb, and copy the contents of into this file. Click "Select Kernel" in the top right of the file to choose the Python 3.11 we installed before. VSCode should again prompt you to install several extensions.