Solcore Workshop 2023 (UNSW)
Click here for course instructions on the day.
Click here to view all the presentation slides.
Installation instructions
If you are familiar with Python/have a working installation (Python >= 3.7, <= 3.11), you only need to install the following packages:
pip install solcore rayflare seaborn jupyter
For those who need to set up Python and a programming environment from scratch, there a detailed instructions for:
- Windows: text instructions and accompanying video instructions.
- MacOS: text instructions and accompanying video instructions.
If you have issues, please come to one of the pre-workshop installation help sessions (see below)! We can also try to help during the main workshop, but to ensure it runs as smoothly as possible, it’s best if everyone already has a working installation of Python and the required packages.
Times & locations
Pre-workshop help sessions (OPTIONAL):
- Monday 20 November, 3-4 pm
- Tuesday 21 November, 3-4 pm
In TETB meeting room Gnd 22 (Ground Floor, across from the main entrance). If the installation described above works for you, no need to attend either of these!
Wednesday - Friday, 22 - 24 November
1 - 5 pm. Click here for full schedule (subject to change).
Location: F10 June Griffith M10 (K-F10-M10), UNSW Sydney
(June Griffith building is next to the Law faculty, diagonally across from Tyree on the University Mall. When you enter the building from the University Mall (coming from Tyree), you need to go up the set of stairs by the main entrance, go through the fire doors, and turn left. If you are coming from the other side, the room is directly on your right when you enter).